

"Girlfriend, Qian Zisui, are you the girlfriend of the winter elder brother? I am still the younger sister of the winter elder brother. I am related to the winter elder brother, but what is your girlfriend?" Ouyang Yi looked at Ouyang Dongjie and emphasized the words sister and blood.
Of course, it means something.
They are all white.
It’s not white to have Qian Zisui alone.
Attachment suddenly feels that Qian Zisui is actually the most pitiful and sympathetic person in this benefit.
Everyone lied to Qian Zisui and kept it from her.
"Well, Suisui, you can just find a place to sit down first. I … I’ll sit next to the attachment. Well, I haven’t seen the attachment for a long time. I love you." Dong-jie Ouyang spoiled and rubbed Qian Suisui’s hair and said softly.
Looking at the eyes of attachment and others, it seems so dazzling. Is he an old feeling or a true feeling? Turns out to be so cold-blooded
"Well," Qian Zisui hung his head with a hint of chagrin.
What can she do after Ouyang Dongjie said that?
"Wait" Ouyang attachment stopped her tone calm milli waves.
Qian Zisui’s attachment will stop her only when she decides to return the bit to her.
It’s … I didn’t expect …
Attachment to the desk drawer threw away all the seeds and ears. Her body and the ground around her said coldly, "Don’t put your things where I want to sit. They are all too dirty."
Grieved tears, seeds, ears, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes.
Looking at Ouyang Dongjie pitifully, he gently tugged at his sleeve and won a little sympathy for her to retaliate against Ouyang’s attachment.
How is it possible!
Dong-jie ouyang saw eye attachment to the best of nai "seed ear don’t cry, attachment to her … since childhood, you don’t cry, don’t argue with her."
It was Ouyang Dongjie’s tears that filled her eyes. "I … I didn’t do anything wrong in Winter. She, she, why should she do this to me?"
"Have you been like this since childhood?" Ouyang attachment looked at Dong-jie ouyang sneer at "since the childhood? ! You can’t know what Ouyang’s family did to me! Now you know best how you treat me! Am I being ridiculous? I what so you are the most clear "
"attachment! Don’t make trouble again! " Dong-jie ouyang big scold a way
"yes! I’m just messing around! What’s wrong! I’m so fucking unfair for Jing Xue! Look at Qian Zisui like this! What the fuck do I look like when I dress up all day and still snow? Why? Yes, it’s a pity to be with you. No matter how she learns from her, it’s not still snow! Jing Xue won’t be like her! Crying in public! Do you know Ouyang Dongjie? Jingxue will cry in a corner in those dark nights! "
"Don’t be snowing again, OK?" Shinohara Min said softly sitting in front.
"You don’t … it’s snowing again, okay? She’s already left us, so it’s necessary to touch the pain again." Xiao Yu Min said gently at her desk.
Even gently, they can hear clearly.
Xiao Yumin’s word-for-word sadness made them feel sad from the bottom of their hearts.
"Shinohara min! Jing Xue, she’s not dead! She’s not dead! What you don’t believe! " Ouyang attachment repeated again.
Qian Zisui hid behind Ouyang Dongjie and shivered.
She felt scared. Lombby was scared.
Qian Jingxue didn’t die.
She’s not dead.
Seed ear is afraid because Ouyang Dongjie has always liked this quiet snow and left himself.
She is afraid that she is afraid that she will lose Ouyang Dongjie.
How terrible it is to think about it and be afraid of losing the winter boundary.
Getting it and losing it again is more painful than never getting it!
"Attachment to you … is still snow visible?" Yuan Xuan got up and looked at the attachment, eager to know the answer.
Attachment didn’t answer is dodging Yuan Xuan’s eyes
Of course, they all got the answers they wanted from her dodging eyes.
"Attachment If … you can look at Jingxue, can you tell her that Shinohara Min and I really want her to come and see us? Jingxue, she … won’t abandon me and Luca brasi’s sisterhood attachment? We really … really miss her."
"I … and Jing Xue have never had much contact at ordinary times."
"Then how do you know that Jingxue is still alive?" Ouyang Dongjie seems to want to see Ouyang’s attachment as a question.
"I just know that Jing Xue is still alive! Ouyang Dongjie Qian Zisui, she doesn’t know you and I don’t know! You and Qian seed ear is … "
"I really love Seed Ear!" Ouyang Dongjie interrupted her before she finished her attachment. "Attachment, let’s go out and talk."
Holding the attachment hand and walking outside, the root didn’t find anything wrong.