

当然安小雪还有手段但施展出来代价就有点大了 正当乌拉惊魂初定安小雪意欲施展其它手段际赵海龙突然一枪刺出 屈晴山、温星伦、崔玺、文绍四人虽然坚定到了安小雪这一边在安小雪出手后就准备力出杀协助安小雪对付乌拉 哪怕安小雪要击杀乌拉他们也会力出手 可问题是安小雪牢笼一出乌拉虽然在他们面前但却在他们精神感应中失去了位置 他们能力法攻击到乌拉 一个个一脸愕然 但赵海龙在短暂愕然后忽然一枪刺出 银芒一闪赵海龙银枪忽然就荡起层层涟漪穿过了安小雪次元切割出来牢笼出现在了乌拉额头正中 银枪刺进乌拉额头半寸后然后忽地停住 赵海龙持枪而立乌拉血流满面际一脸苍白 安小雪却是一脸奇异 赵海龙这银枪一次许退就说过很不一般现在竟然如此厉害! 现在竟然能够穿过她牢笼伤人! “安副团长这乌拉斩还是不斩?”赵海龙忽地口询问乌拉双目中第一次浮现恐惧色! Chapter one thousand one hundred and thirty-four AnXiaoXue choice means "Ann, deputy head of this…

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1,100 meters

1200 meters 1,300 meters At the time of 1000 meters, the telepathy has failed. Being able to link to the flying sword through the spiritual chain has a slight perception…

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Chen Yi’s calmness is suspicious.

Just when Shen Weirong couldn't help it, Chen Yi suddenly said, "That's settled! Deal! " His right hand held the provincial party Committee secretary Shen Weirong, and his right hand…

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…… The defensive mountain array has been completely closed for seven days, and the atmosphere in black wind mountain has become more and more strange. Zhou Yi sat not far…

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