Gu Jinxi listened to the growing filth around him and talked about seeing that Su Cen’s mind was on the verge of collapse. She only bowed her head and looked pale and almost penetrated. The whole person was faltering and her thin lips moved slightly. If you carefully seemed to hear her mumbling, "How did this happen?"


"Miss, don’t be sad." Ye Zhenniang gently comforted.
"No, I, I …"
Gu Jin sunseeker nervous breath didn’t come was directly to faint.
"Xier!" Gu Qian and Gu Chu in the previous step at the same time.
Gu Huai but already they will Gu Jin sunseeker tasikmalaya picked up nervous "sunseeker sunseeker, are you all right, Fu Guanjia, go and call Dr. Lin"
"Isn’t Miss Gu well?" Some people wonder.
"Smallpox is smallpox; Even if it’s all right, how long will it take to keep it? Look at that. If someone has smallpox, it’s ruined even if they live. "
"Ah …"
Because Gu Jinxi "fainted", the original onlookers scattered in twos and threes or shook their heads or remembered what happened before with regret, which was also regarded as a joke after dinner.
Su Yi said that she would quickly welcome Mrs. Su and Mr. Su into the house.
It used to be a happy thing, but it turned out to be unexpected, which made everyone shake their heads. Noble halls are really beyond their ordinary people’s understanding.
Back to Muxi Pavilion
Gu Jinxi is still in a coma.
"All right, you all go." Gu Huai went to the people who followed him. "Go and see why Dr. Lin hasn’t come yet."
After everyone left the whole room with three brothers, Gu Huai and Gu Jia, he didn’t good the spirit to be gently put on the soft couch by him. "Come on, don’t pretend."
"Dad, how did you find out?" Gu Jinxi nifty with one eye toward Gu Huai vomitted to stick out your tongue.
"Sister, you …"
Gu Chu eyes wide stare gnashing stare Gu Jin sunseeker.
"The somebody else also didn’t mean to" Gu Jin sunseeker suo suo neck if she doesn’t pretend to faint Sue that persistent personality also don’t know how long it will be quiet.
Gu Qian gently rubbed Gu Jinxi’s hair. "It’s hard for you."
"By the way, brother, what happened to the people you sent?" Gu Jinxi rolled over from the soft couch and looked at Gu Qian.
Gu Huai looked at their brother and sister with some doubts. Even Gu Chu next to them was puzzled. Of course, it was more sour in my heart. My sister seemed to be more intimate with her third brother than with him in recent years. You know, my former sister likes him best.
"What are you talking about?" Gu Huai is puzzled.
Gu Jinxi’s eyes sank and Gu Qian glanced at her and bowed her head. "Dad hasn’t felt the attitude of Sue’s family to Niang now?"
"What do you mean?" Gu Huai is puzzled.
"Su Cen said that day, but Su Jia had already crossed my mother Su Yi’s life from the genealogy." Gu Jin bowed his head.
Gu Huai suddenly changed his face. "This is not, isn’t it?" He swallowed hard. "Could it be that girl Su Cen said angry words?"
"The speaker is interested in the listener" Gu Jinxi closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
"Mu Xige’s grandmother sent someone to Sue’s home in Licheng on the day she lifted the ban. What did your grandmother do when she sent someone to Sue’s home?" Gu Qian corners of the mouth oblique hook with a slight smile but fundus is full of Ivylinna Lee.
Gu Huai gritted his teeth. "She still hasn’t given up after so many years?"
"Don’t you white grandmother mind? Once the mother’s name has long been crossed out of the genealogy by the Su family, the news has come out. Can your mother still sit firmly in the position of Gu Guogong’s mistress? " Gu Qian bowed his head and seemed to be contemptuous. Although there was no provision in the court, an orphan girl who was abandoned by her parents like Su Yi might be fine if she was married to ordinary people’s homes, but it was impossible for anyone to know what status she was. The nobility always attached the most importance to her lineage. After Su Yi’s family tree was crossed out, the government didn’t even have a small record. The consequences were unimaginable.
"Then what shall we do?" Gu Chu some nasty.
"Three elder brothers have sent people to stall my grandmother to send people" Gu Jin sunseeker bowed his head and crossed with a malicious crime "If it’s impossible, then …"
"Sunseeker son you …"
Gu Huai never thought that his daughter, who has been raising her hands for so many years, should have such a decisive side of war. That’s several lives.
"Knock, knock!"